Monday, June 6, 2011

Fast Forward Through Monday Please

I had an annoying sinus headache when I woke up, despite having taken 12 hour medicine before going to bed, and it just got worse until late morning when the new drugs finally kicked in, presumably. I was tired all morning, and even nodded off for a second a couple of times while working. I don't know how many times I had to stop working to try to appease my itchy, tired, sore, hurting eyes, and my stomach felt unsettled most of the day.  So, when I got home all I wanted to do was maybe cry and definitely crash.

Instead I had to take Gytha to the vet, where I ended up paying $27 for them to put a drop of that yellow/green stain in her eyes so he could check her cornea. It also cost $37 for her eye drops because the price of pet prescriptions is ridiculous. And those were in addition to the regular visit fees. (Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore our vet clinic, but the cost is sometimes hard to swallow.) Then I found out I'm supposed to administer the drops 4 times a day. I can't do it four times a day because I'm gone 10-11 hours a day! We both are. The only way to get a fourth dose in during the time that we're home is to set an alarm to get up and do it in the middle of the night. So 3 doses per day better work, because there's no frigging way I'm getting up in the middle of the night to fight with the cat, if I can even find her. And then, as we were getting ready to leave she did something she's never done before, ever --not even during the multi-day car trip when I moved from Illinois to New Hampshire. She threw up in her carrier. Twice.

Once we got home and I got the cat carrier cleaned I thought I could finally sit down to eat and "relax" while looking at the Lexis/Nexis insurance credit report I requested so I can contest their data and/or decisions which raised our homeowner's insurance $120 for the year. Except there is no report in the envelope because they can't "authenticate" me based on the information I provided. After waiting for 2 weeks for this stupid report, there's no damn report. I am so, so, so pissed. I had a whole rant planned about the bullshit that IS the entire insurance credit reporting scam, and once I'm done with this ordeal I will still post about it. But I can't think about it anymore today or I'm going to explode.

On the plus side: Yesterday I planted 9 Bright Lights cosmos seedlings, 1 more zinnia seedling, and replaced 5 basil seedlings that had been munched into oblivion. Most of the zinnia seedlings I planted a couple weeks ago suffered the same fate, just as they did last year along with most of last year's cosmos seedlings. So this time I put clear plastic cups over all 15 seedlings in an effort to minimize, and hopefully eliminate the decimation of my babies. One of the cosmos cup covers had somehow ended up by the neighbor's driveway this morning, so I put it back before leaving for work. But this evening I checked and all the seedlings are untouched. The cups are obviously working, because it only took one night last time for the zinnias to be half eaten and for the first nibbles to show on the basil, but today they are still pristine. Hooray for small blessings!

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