Friday, May 20, 2011

The Impossible

I suppose it would be appropriate to start with an explanation of the name of my new blog. (And my old one, actually, since it's the same as my LiveJournal page.)

NH is a land of heavy traffic, plentiful intersections, and an inadequate number of traffic lights. As a transplant from Illinois, one of the first things I noticed was that trying to turn left at a stop sign onto a frequently-traveled road is often next to impossible. Since you need either infinite patience or the willingness to attempt risky, and usually rude, maneuvers, and since I have neither, I've learned to avoid having to turn left. If I'll go miles out of my way to avoid the interstates, why not a few blocks to avoid watching people do things that will piss me off?

The near-impossibility of left turns relates to a theme underlying multiple issues I hope to work through via writing: How can I deal with challenges that seem impossible? For that matter, how can I get back to even seeing things as "challenges" rather than repeated blows from a cruel Universe? What can I do to start embracing more possibilities? I intend to use this venue for exploring psychological, philosophical, and other -ical subjects I need to think through.

That and spouting off about anything else I feel like writing about. Because ultimately, I just love writing. I've had a need to write since I learned how. I started keeping poetry journals, diaries, and lists of every kind by the time I was probably about six. It was never really about being read by other people; it was a relationship between me and words and between me and thoughts. Of course, I do like being heard and/or read; but, ultimately it's about having an overflow of brain activity paired with an addiction to language.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! cannot wait to enjoy the explosion of your brain via the *blog*!!
